

About Conference

Conference Series LLC Ltd welcomes all the speakers and delegates from around the world to join "23rd World Dermatology Congress” during June 20-21, 2022 in Paris, France with the theme “Safety Analysis of biological and novel treatment for Dermatology”.

World Dermatology 2022 is an exceptional occasion intended for experts to encourage the use of dermatological methods in studying large disease burden and highlighting existing opportunities in the field of Dermatology. This international and interdisciplinary conference will act as a center for dermatologists, clinicians, business professionals, foundation leaders, researchers, academicians and others to discuss and exchange on recent dermatological concepts and brings together professionals from every generation who share a commitment to reduce the global burden regarding Dermatology.

About Organization

Conference Series LLC Ltd is the world's leading specialist in organizing academic, scientific and business conferences, meetings, symposia and exhibitions in different vertical and horizontal sectors such as medicine, pharmacy, engineering, science, technology and business to promote scientific research. Each year, we organize over 3,000 global events, including more than 1,000 conferences, more than 1,000 symposia, more than 1,000 workshops in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, with the generous support and cooperation of our 30,000 editorial board members and over 1,000 scientific societies. All conference proceedings are published in special issues of our 700+ international open access journals with the DOI provided by CROSSREF.

Benefits of Attending

With individuals from around the globe concentrated on finding out about Dermatology this is your single best chance to achieve the biggest gathering of members. Exchange ideas and network with leading dermatology professionals, dermatologists, cosmetologists, clinicians, business analysts and researchers from more than 40 countries. Lead presentations, communicate data, meet current and potential customers, sprinkle another product offering, and earn name recognition on this two-day opportunity.

World Dermatology 2019

New Trends in Aesthetic Therapies

The field of Aesthetic Medicine is another part of present day medication. Aesthetic medicine is a comprehensive term for claims to fame that emphasis on enhancing corrective appearance through the treatment of conditions including scars, skin laxity, wrinkles, moles, liver spots, abundance fat, cellulite, undesirable hair, skin staining, and creepy crawly veins. Aesthetic medicine incorporates surgeries and in addition non-surgeries.
  • Micro Pigmentation
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Laser Skin Resurfacing

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Contact Details:

Lara wilson
Program Manager | World Dermatology 2019
Contact: +44-203-7690-972
Email :


Aesthetic Surgical Procedures

Feel is a comprehensive term for qualities which focus on upgrading appearance of individuals by methods for remedial procedures. It isn't exactly as of late obliged to scars, wrinkles, moles, super fat, unwanted hair, and skin recoloring. Stylish methodology generally included reconstructive medical procedure, remedial medical procedure, and Dermatology. Snappy pharmaceutical included careful techniques: liposuction, facelifts, chest embeds, Radio repeat expulsion and Non-Surgical procedures: radio repeat skin settling, non-careful liposuction, substance peel. Couples of experts utilize blend of both the approach.
  • Hair and scalp procedure
  • Liposuction
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Contact Details:
Lara wilson
Program Manager | World Dermatology 2019
Contact: +1-650-889-4686 Ext 6015
Email :

Skin Cancer

Ultraviolet  radiation causes sunburns which increment the danger of skin malignancy like melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Non melanoma skin malignancy is portrayed by a firm red knob that drains or builds up a hull on the nose, brow, ears, bring down lip, hands, and other sun-uncovered territories of the body. Indeed, even individuals with dull compositions get influenced by skin disease. Melanomas may likewise happen inside the mouth, digestive organs and even in the eye. The primary cause of melanoma is bright light presentation with low levels of skin colour.
  • Basal cell cancer
  • Actinic Keratoses
  • Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
  • Melanoma    

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Contact Details:
Lara wilson
Program Manager | World Dermatology 2019
Contact: +1-650-889-4686 Ext 6015
Email :

Contagious Skin Infections

Fungalskininfections are caused by different types of fungi and can be a common culprit of itchy skin. Fungi invade and grow in dead keratin, a protein that makes up your skin, hair and nails. The different types of fungal infections are divided into groups based on what type of fungus is involved.
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Contact Details:
Lara wilsonProgram Manager | World Dermatology 2019Contact: +1-650-889-4686 Ext 6015Email :


20th World Dermatology Congress

Track 6 : Dermatological Techniques

A wide variety of Dermatological systems are utilized to analyse and treat Dermatologic infections. Some common Dermatologic systems used to test for infections are biopsies, including punch, shave and extraction biopsy.

  • Dermoscopy
  • Laser Treatment
  • Subcision
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Microdermabrasion Treatments
  • Ablative and Non-ablative Lasers
  • Skin Revival Treatments
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Contact Details:
Lara wilsonProgram Manager | World Dermatology 2019Contact: +1-650-889-4686 Ext 6015Email :


20th World Dermatology Congress

Track 5 : Dermatological Diseases

Dermatology is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects that deals with the hair, nails, skin and their diseases. The responsibility of a Dermatologist is to treat diseases and some cosmetic problems of the skin. One of the most common long-term skin conditions is Acne which is characterized by areas of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, greasy skin and possibly scarring. Other diseases include skin cancer & malignancy of epithelial cells, contact dermatitis, Kawasaki syndrome, inflammation, viral skin diseases, scars & rashes.
  • Acne Vulgaris
  • Keloid
  • Rosacea
  • Pityriasis Rosea
  • Sunburn
  • Eczema
  • Shingles
  • Hemangioma
  • Allergies and Rashes
  • Onychomycosis                  
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Contact Details:Lara wilson
Program Manager | World Dermatology 2019
Contact: +1-650-889-4686 Ext 6015
Email :